Institut for Organisation

Department of Organization pursues a problem-oriented, business-in-society approach to understanding organizations and organizational phenomena at all levels. Our research and teaching focus upon organizing processes and their outcomes from an interdisciplinary social-scientific perspective.

Prestigious Sapere Aude Grant to Assistant Professor Megan Neely
Oddný Helgadóttir is the recipient of the inaugural Best Article Award in Review of International Political Economy (RIPE) journal
Barbara Czarniawska in memoriam
Interview on Globalization: Time to go Network - Now is the time for companies to develop new business models and production and supply networks, says Associate Professor Stine Haakonsson
Blog by Professors Nanna Mik-Meyer and Margaretha Järvinen: Compliance, evasiveness, barter and investment – why women do more academic service work
Celebrating four new book launches! - Professor Sara Louise Muhr and Associate Professor Poornima Luthra
Associate Professor Oddný Helgadóttir has received a prestigious Carlsberg Semper Ardens Accelerate Grant for 5 million DKK and Associate Professor Cornel Ban has received a Carlsberg Monograph Fellowship grant
Associate Professor Anne Mette Møller has received one of the prestigious Inge Lehmann-grants from DFF (Independent Research Fund Denmark)
”Making distant futures actionable" A live interview with Majken Schultz
New IOA podcast: Found in Translation - concerning how organization and management theory is used in practice
New IOA podcast: Organisationers Verden (about organization and management theory)
New IOA podcast: CBS Sustain concerning sustainability and green transformation
The page was last edited by: Department of Organization // 01/16/2024