
Department of Business Humanities and Law

  • CBS Law
Professor with special responsibilities
Director of CBS LAW

Room: POR/18.B-1.140a
Andrej Savin

Andrej Savin's main research interests lie in internet regulation, IT Law, law & management and law & strategy. In particular, he looks at how the EU formulates IT policy and how EU regulation influences business models and company strategies.

His research projects include a DFF-funded project on smart homes and data and a EU-funded FP7 project on the privacy of user-generated networks as well as a number of EU SMART projects on digital economy.

Andrej Savin also works on law and management in the legal environment, in particular with focus on the interplay between law, ethics, business and society in the digital world.

Primary research areas

• Information Technology Law
• EU digital regulation and policy
• Law & Management
• EU Telecommunications Law

Administrative tasks
  • Course responsible, Law & Management, cand.merc.(jur)
  • Course responsible, Digital Transformations & the Law, cand.merc.(jur)
  • Course responsible, EU Internet Law, MSc in Business Administration and Information Systems
  • Course responsible, PhD course in Methodology and Research Strategy in EU Digital Regulation
Curriculum Vitae
Social media
Link to this homepage
  • Law & Management
  • Digital Transformations & the Law
  • EU Internet Law
  • Fundamentals of International Economic Law
  • PhD course in Methodology and Research Strategy in EU Digital Regulation
  • Project 1 and 2
  • Master Theses
  • PhD supervision


Selected publications
  • Research Handbook on EU Internet Law (with Jan Trzaskowski), (2nd Ed.) Edward Elgar, 2023
  • EU Internet Law, 3rd edition, Edward Elgar, 2020
  • EU Telecommunications Law, Edward Elgar, 2018
  • A Strategic Management Approach to the New EU Risk-Based Compliance Regulations, co-author Constance Bagley, 15 International In-House Counsel Journal, 2023
  • “Rule Making in the Digital Economy: Overcoming Functional Equivalence as a Regulatory Principle in the EU” (2019) 22 Journal of Internet Law 8, p. 3-15
  • “EU Regulatory Models for Platforms on the Content and Carrier Layers: Convergence and Changing Policy Patterns” (2018) Nordic Journal of Commercial Law 1, 7-37
  • “Regulating Internet Platforms in the EU: The Emergence of the ‘Level playing Field’” (2018) 34 Computer Law & Security Review 1215-1231
Publications List
Publications sorted by:
Eric K. Clemons; Andrej Savin; Maximilian Schreieck; Stina Teilmann-Lock; Jan Trzaskowski; Ravi Waran / A Face of One’s Own : The Role of an Online Personae in a Digital Age and the Right to Control One’s Own Online Personae in the Presence of Digital Hacking.
In: Electronic Markets, Vol. 34, No. 1, 4.2024
Journal article > peer review
Andrej Savin / The Changing Nature of Data Protection in the EU
In: GRUR International, 2024, 2 p.
Editorial > peer review
Andrej Savin / Designing EU Digital Laws
In: Research Handbook on EU Internet Law. ed. /Andrej Savin; Jan Trzaskowski. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2023, p. 63-79 (Research Handbooks in European Law)
Book chapter > peer review
Andrej Savin / EU-US Data Privacy Framework : The New Framework for Transatlantic Data Transfers.
In: Journal of European Consumer and Market Law, Vol. 12, No. 4, 2023, p. 159–164
Journal article > peer review
Jan Trzaskowski (Author) ; Andrej Savin (Author) ; Patrik Lindskoug (Author) ; Björn Lundqvist (Author) / Introduction to EU Internet Law
København : Ex Tuto Publishing 2023, 534 p.
Anthology > peer review
Andrej Savin; Constance Bagley / On A Strategic Management Approach to the New EU Risk-Based Compliance Regulations
In: International In-house Counsel Journal, Vol. 16, No. 64, 2023, p. 1-13
Journal article > peer review
Andrej Savin; Jan Trzaskowski / Preface
In: Research Handbook on EU Internet Law. ed. /Andrej Savin; Jan Trzaskowski. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2023, p. ix-xvi (Research Handbooks in European Law)
Book chapter > peer review
Andrej Savin (Editor) ; Jan Trzaskowski (Editor) / Research Handbook on EU Internet Law
Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2023, 518 p. (Research Handbooks in European Law)
Anthology > peer review
Eric K. Clemons; Andrej Savin; Maximilian Schreieck; Stina Teilmann-Lock; Jan Trzaskowski / Technological Progress and the Future of Regulatory Change
Paper presented at Leading and Managing in the Digital Era Shaping. LMDE 2023, 2023
Paper > peer review
Andrej Savin / The New Framework for Transatlantic Data Transfers
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School [wp] 2023, 15 p. (CBS LAW Research Paper, No. 23-01)
Working paper
More results... (total 63 results)
Research Projects
Outside activities
  • Euclid Law, London, UK, 2019, Legal consultancy
  • Spark Legal Network, London, UK, 2018-2019, Legal consultancy
  • Rambøll, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2018-2019, Legal consultancy
  • NSTLaw, Belgrade, Serbia, 2018-2019, Legal consultancy