
Department of Accounting

  • Centre for Owner-Managed Businesses

Room: SOL/C4.13
Thomas Plenborg

I serve as professor at Department of Accounting. My research interests include financial statement analysis, credit analysis, incentive contracts, firm valuation and financial reporting. I work with different research designs and methodologies and appreciate research projects made with the industry. In addition to research I care about teaching and have received various teaching awards.

Primary research areas
  • Financial statement analysis
  • Financial reporting
  • Valuation
  • Risk analysis
  • Executive compensation
Curriculum Vitae
Link to this homepage
  • Financial Statement Analysis/graduate (CM fir)
  • Bestyrelsesuddannelserne/executive
Selected publications
  • RIISE JOHANSEN, Thomas and Thomas PLENBORG (2018). “Company responses to demand for annual report changes”, Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, Vol 31 (6): 1593-1617
  • KNUDSEN, Jens, Simon KOLD and Thomas PLENBORG (2017). “Stick to your fundamentals and discover your peers”, Financial Analyst Journal, Volume 73, Third Quarter: 85-105.
  • RIISE JOHANSEN, Thomas and Thomas PLENBORG (2013). “Prioritising disclosures in the annual report”, Accounting and Business Research, October
  • PETERSEN, Christian and Thomas PLENBORG (2010). “How do firms implement impairment tests?” ABACUS, December
  • GABRIELSEN, Gorm, Jeffrey GRAMLICH and Thomas PLENBORG (2002). ”Managerial ownership, external ownership and the information content of earnings in a non-US setting”, Journal of Business, Finance and Accounting
Publications List
Publications sorted by:
Jeppe Christoffersen; Thomas Plenborg; Morten Seitz / Compensation Shifting from Salary to Dividends
In: European Accounting Review, Vol. 33, No. 5, 2024, p. 1951-1980
Journal article > peer review
Jeppe Christoffersen; Thomas Plenborg; Morten Seitz / Ejerledere vælger dividende fremfor løn for at undgå underskud og undgår dermed højere lånerente
In: Revision & Regnskabsvæsen, Vol. 93, No. 2, 3.2024, p. 38-45
Journal article > peer review
Jeppe Christoffersen; Thomas Plenborg; Morten Seitz / Accounting for Employee Flows
In: Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, Vol. 50, No. 5/6, 5.2023, p. 943-972
Journal article > peer review
Jeppe Christoffersen; Thomas Plenborg / Gør dit forarbejde og bliv mere tilfreds med virksomhedens næste investering
In: Revision & Regnskabsvæsen, Vol. 92, No. 5, 5.2023, p. 34-47
Journal article > peer review
Jeppe Christoffersen; Morten Holm; Thomas Plenborg; Morten Seitz / Ledelsesrapportering i danske SMV'ere
In: Revision & Regnskabsvæsen, Vol. 92, No. 6, 6.2023, p. 32-39
Journal article > peer review
Jesper Banghøj; Jan Marton; Thomas Plenborg; Emmeli Runesson / Revisiting Pay-performance Sensitivity around IFRS Adoption in Europe : The Dominant Role of Germany.
In: Accounting and Business Research, Vol. 53, No. 7, 2023, p. 790-820
Journal article > peer review
Jeppe Christoffersen; Felix Holzmeister; Thomas Plenborg / What Is Risk to Managers?
In: Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, Vol. 40, 12.2023
Journal article > peer review
Jeppe Christoffersen; Morten Holm; Thomas Plenborg; Morten Seitz / Intern rapportering i Danske SMV'er
Frederiksberg : Center for Ejerledede Virksomheder. Copenhagen Business School 2022, 32 p.
Nigel J. Barradale; Thomas Plenborg; Simone Stæhr / Investor Feedback : Impact on Analyst Biases and Investor Critical Evaluation.
In: Accounting and Finance, Vol. 62, No. 1, 3.2022, p. 767-803
Journal article > peer review
Jeppe Christoffersen; Sarah Wassermann Hansen; Jacob Christian Kjeldsmark; Thomas Plenborg / Analytikeres langsigtede budgetadfærd
In: Finans/Invest, No. 5, 10.2021, p. 21-27
Journal article > peer review
More results... (total 112 results)
Research Projects
Outside activities

CBS Executive; Teaching; 2018 – ongoing
Everyday Luxury Feeling A/S (Rosemunde), Copenhagen;  Chairman of Board of Directors; 2018 – ongoing
Cowi Holding A/S;  Member of Board of Directors; 2018 – ongoing
DSV A/S; Chairman of Board of Directors; 2020 – ongoing
Saxo Bank A/S; Member of Board of Directors; - 2018
DSV A/S; Vice chairman of Board of Directors; - 2020
Jyske Bank; - 2020