FRIC presents and recruits at the AFA meetings in San Francisco 2016

The FRIC Center is presenting and recruiting at the annual AFA (American Finance Association) Meetings taking place in San Francisco, 3-5 January 2016


Every year in the first weekend of January, the annual AFA (American Finance Association) Meetings take place in a city in the U.S., and financial economists from all over the world attend the 3-day long conference. The conference is extremely selective and only a small fraction gets a chance to present or discuss a paper. FRIC is proud to be strongly represented at the 2016 AFA conference:

  • Assistant professor Björn Imbierowicz, Copenhagen Business School will present the paper: Does Lack of Financial Stability Impair the Transmission of Monetary Policy?
  • PhD student Sven Klingler, Copenhagen Business School will present the joint paper with FRIC center director David Lando: Safe-Haven CDS Premia
  • FRIC associate member, Susan Christoffersen, University of Toronto will present the paper: High Water Marks in Competitive Capital Markets
  • FRIC associate member, Annette Vissing-Jorgensen, University of California-Berkeley will present the paper: Stock Returns over the FOMC Cycle
  • Professor Lasse Heje Pedersen will discuss the paper The Capacity of Trading Strategies by Augustin Landier (Toulouse School of Economics) and David Thesmar (HEC and CEPR)
  • Associate professor Jens Dick-Nielsen will discuss the paper Dealer Inventory and the Cross-Section of Corporate Bond Returns by Nils Friewald (Norwegian School of Economics) and Florian Nagler (Vienna Graduate School of Finance)

In addition, the AEA (American Economic Association) meetings also take place at the same venue and here FRIC research is presented by:

  • Christian Wagner (Copenhagen Business School) will present the paper: Exchange Rates and Sovereign Risk
  • Professor Lasse Heje Pedersen will present the paper: Efficiently Inefficient Markets for Assets and Asset Management

FRIC is also sending 8 center members to take part in the department’s recruiting at the AFA meetings.

The page was last edited by: Center for Financial Frictions // 07/11/2023