First ICCR-CBS Lecture by Visiting Professor Dr. Sudipta Bhattacharyya

India’s Winning Card to Economic Progress: Agriculture or Industry?

Monday, May 3, 2010 - 16:00 to 18:15

The Government of India through its Indian Council of Cultural Relations (ICCR) and the Copenhagen Business School has signed an agreement according to which Asia Research Centre at CBS will receive a visiting professor from India on a rotating yearly basis. The first visiting professor to CBS under this arrangement, Dr. Sudipta Bhattacharyya has agreed to give his inaugural lecture on 3 May with the title of "India's Winning Card to Economic Progress: Agriculture or Industry?"

Dr. Bhattacharyya explores how agriculture and industry may be balanced in an emerging economy like India. India has witnessed a broad systematic relationship between performance of agriculture and industrial expansion. The relative neglect of agriculture during the second and third Five Year Plans resulted in a squeeze in the home market for industrial goods and consequent industrial stagnation since the mid sixties. Industry recovered in the eighties following the progress of the green revolution and the anti-poverty policies. During the nineties the initial industrial boom could not be sustained because of the dismal performance of agriculture following state withdrawal policies. In current years, a recovery of industrial growth is witnessed as a result of state interventionist policies related to agriculture and rural development taken up since mid 2000s. The lecture will discuss why these policies affect India's economic progress in a positive way and give suggestions to how other emerging economies might learn from India's experience .

Sudipta Bhattacharyya, ICCR Visiting Professor, Asia Research Centre, Copenhagen Business School, and Associate Professor, Dept. of Economics and Politics, Visva-Bharati, India graduated from Calcutta University and obtained a doctorate from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. He was associated with research and teaching assignment in Oxford and University of Bath, UK. He worked thoroughly on political economy of agrarian change in India. He has in his credit two books and many papers in peer reviewed journals, including Cambridge Journal of Economics, Journal of Peasant Studies, Journal of Agrarian Change etc. Dr Bhattacharyya is the first Visiting Professor to CBS within the framework of an agreement between CBS and the Indian Council of Cultural Relations.


16:00 Welcome by Alan Irwin, Dean of Research, CBS

16:05 Introduction: "Academic Collaboration between India and Denmark" by Ambassador of India to Denmark Mr. Yogesh K. Gupta

16:15 ICCR-CBS public lecture: "India's Winning Card to Economic Progress: Agriculture or Industry?" by Dr. Sudipta Bhattacharyya, ICCR Visiting Professor at the Asia Research Centre, CBS

17:15 Reception (Indian snacks)

18:15 End


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