
Department of Business Humanities and Law

  • Governance, Culture & Learning Unit
Teaching assistant

Room: POR/18.B-4.155

I am teaching assistent at the Department of Business Humanities and Law, Copenhagen Business School. My research sits at the intersection of Sociolegal Studies and Global Governance, with focus on international organizations and legal bodies, experts and knowledge production in trans- and international law, law and political economy, and law and gender. I often deploy multi-sited ethnographic methods in tracking how global policy processes are developed and structured. I have been a visiting researcher at Universidad de Los Andes in Bogotá, Colombia, Melbourne Law School at University of Melbourne, the Kosovar Institute for Policy Research and Development in Pristina, Freie Universität Berlin, and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

I co-direct the Law and Political Economy Collaborative Research Network at the Law and Society Association (LSA) and chair the European International Studies Association’s (EISA) Global Law and Politics section. I have worked as a consultant for the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Higher Education and Science, and the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I am also a member of the editorial board of Journal of Law and Political Economy.

I have edited The Politics of Translation in International Relations (Palgrave) and recently published on the global care economy in Transnational Legal Theory, legal affordances in the platform economy in Environment and Planning A, and law and translation in Australian Feminist Law Journal.  

Primary research areas
  • Socio-legal studies and the political economy of global law
  • The relationship between public and private law
  • The governance and legal foundations of markets
  • The politics of (legal) knowledge and expertise
  • Legal geography and anthropology; law and gender
  • Civil society governance
Curriculum Vitae
Link to this homepage
  • Business, Politics and Society (BSc Soc - 3rd semester)
  • Business and Global Governance (MSc Public Management and Social Development - 2nd semester)
  • Political Science (Stream on: ‘International Relations’) (BSc International Business and Politics - 1st semester)
  • Feminist Theories in Organization, Management and Legal Studies (PhD course)



Interested in supervising in areas of: politics of law in global governance, law and political economy, international organizations, transnational governance, expertise and knowledge production in global governance.

Other teaching activities
  • Course Coordinator, Business, Politics and Society (BSc Soc)
  • Course Coordinator, Antropologisk Feltarbejde [Anthropological Fieldwork] (Cand Soc PKL)
  • Course Coordinator, Lederskabet under Forandring og dets Indvirkning på Organisatorisk Adfærd (Cand.Merc)
  • Course Coordinator, Feminist Theories in Organization, Management and Legal Studies: Perspectives and Application (PhD Course, 2020)


Selected publications

Legal Borderlands in the Global Economy of Care. Transnational Legal Theory 13(1), 2022: 131-156 (with M. Bak-McKenna)

Law and Gender in Translation: Introduction to Special Issue. Australian Feminist Law Journal 47(2), 2021: 143-162 (with M. Bak-McKenna)

Legal Affordances in Global Wealth Chains: How Platform Firms Use Legal and Spatial Scaling. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 55(4), 2021: 1062-1079 (with L. Seabrooke and D. Wigan)

Publications sorted by:
Maj Grasten; Stine Haakonsson / Danmarks retningslinjer for internationalt forskningssamarbejde : En balancegang mellem politisk pragmatik og risikostyring.
In: Internasjonal Politikk, Vol. 82, No. 1, 2024, p. 36-50
Journal article > peer review
Maj Grasten / Rule of Law and Translation
In: Routledge Handbook of the Rule of Law. ed. /Michael Sevel. Abingdon : Routledge 2024, p. 244-259 (Routledge Handbooks in Law)
Book chapter > peer review
Maj Grasten; Janis Grzybowski / 'Was the "Islamic State" a State?' : Claiming, Contesting, and Creating Jihadist Statehood.
In: Variations on Sovereignty: Contestations and Transformations from Around the World. . ed. /Hannes Černy; Janis Grzybowski. Abingdon : Routledge 2023, p. 131-150 (Routledge Studies in Statehood)
Book chapter > peer review
Maj Grasten; Stine Haakonsson / A New Model for Global Science and Innovation Infrastructure? : The Construction of Huairou Science City.
Copenhagen : Innovation Centre Denmark 2023, 39 p.
Maj Grasten / Et globalt civilsamfund? : Den danske antitorturbevægelses begyndelse og transnationale udbredelse.
In: Civilsamfundet i statens skygge. ed. /Lars Bo Kaspersen; Liv Egholm. København : Hans Reitzels Forlag 2023, p. 209-225
Book chapter > peer review
Maj Grasten; Leonard Seabrooke; Duncan Wigan / Legal Affordances in Global Wealth Chains : How Platform Firms Use Legal and Spatial Scaling.
In: Environment and Planning A, Vol. 55, No. 4, 6.2023, p. 1062-1079
Journal article > peer review
Maj Grasten; Jette Sandager / Rettens transformative potentiale
In: Transformationens politik: Ledelse af tidens udfordringer. . ed. /Niels Åkerstrøm Andersen; Dorthe Pedersen; Erik Mygind du Plessis; Jette Sandager. København : Nyt fra Samfundsvidenskaberne 2023, p. 59-72
Book chapter > peer review
Miriam Bak McKenna; Maj Grasten / Legal Borderlands in the Global Economy of Care
In: Transnational Legal Theory, Vol. 13, No. 1, 6.2022, p. 131-156
Journal article > peer review
Maj Grasten / Civil Society and the Civilizing Mission
In: Civil Society: Between Concepts and Empirical Grounds. . ed. /Liv Egholm; Lars Bo Kaspersen. Abingdon : Routledge 2021, p. 83-97 (Routledge Advances In Sociology)
Book chapter > peer review
Zeynep Gülşah Çapan; Filipe Dos Reis; Maj Grasten / Global Histories : Connections and Circulations in Historical International Relations.
In: Routledge Handbook of Historical International Relations. ed. /Benjamin de Carvalho; Julia Costa Lopez; Halvard Leira. Abingdon : Routledge 2021, p. 521-529
Book chapter > peer review
More results... (total 22 results)
Research Projects
Outside activities
  • Advisory Board Member: Research project on “Promoting Justice in a Time of Friction (JustExports)” funded by the Research Council of Norway, 2021-
  • Consultant: Rule of Law Working Group, Folke Bernadotte Academy, Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2018-
  • Affiliated Expert: Public International Law & Policy Group (PILPG), 2019-
  • Board Member: The European International Studies Association, 2017-2020