
Department of Business Humanities and Law

  • Entrepreneurship, Ethics & Leadership Unit
External lecturer

Room: POR/18.B-3.142
Max Schellmann
Primary research areas
  • Organization Studies
  • Refugee and Migration Studies
  • Cultural Entrepreneurship and Urban Space
  • Art and Aesthetics
  • Education


Link to this homepage

Supervision of BA and MA thesis along the primary Research areas

Other teaching activities
  • Theories of Contemporary Society II (w. M. Dean)
  • Management of Cultural Projects, Processes and Organizations
  • Cultural Entrepreneurship
  • Qualitative Methods
  • Service Management Foundations: Arts and Culture
  • Service Development and Innovation (w. S.M. Davidsen)
  • Making Social Sciences Matter (2018,; w. R. Holt)


Selected publications


Conference Paper: Spaces of Learning
35th  EGOS Colloquium “Enlightening the Future: The Challenge for Organizations”

Conference Paper: Technology Theatre
14th Organization Studies Workshop “Technology and Organization”


PhD: “The Politics of Organizing Refugee Camps” (Supervisor: R. Holt, CBS)

Book Chapter: Stage, In: “The Creativity Complex”/ “Der Kreativitätskomplex”, Eds.: T. Beyes & J. Metelmann, Bielefeld: Transcript

Book Chapter: Bühne, In: “Der Kreativitätskomplex”, Eds.: T. Beyes & J. Metelmann, Bielefeld: Transcript

Conference Paper: From Plato´s Academia to the Business School: Ethnographies in Athens

Conference Uppsala University “The Unsettled Humanities”/15th -16th November 2018

Conference Paper Creating new organizational possibilities: Suppliants, Theatre and Entrepreneurship

ISTEC Paris "Entrepreneurship, alternative practices and the (dis)organization of cultural and institutional arrangements"


Publications sorted by:
Maximilian Schellmann / Bühne
In: Der Kreativitätskomplex: Ein Vademecum der Gegenwartsgesellschaft. . ed. /Timon Beyes; Jörg Metelmann. Bielefeld : Transcript Verlag 2018, p. 50-56 (Kulturen der Gesellschaft, Vol. 37)
Book chapter > peer review
Maximilian Schellmann / Stage
In: The Creativity Complex: A Companion to Contemporary Culture. . ed. /Timon Beyes; Jörg Metelmann. Bielefeld : Transcript Verlag 2018, p. 222-227 (Kulturen der Gesellschaft, No. 36)
Book chapter > peer review
Maximilian Schellmann / The Politics of Organizing Refugee Camps
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School [Phd] 2018, 233 p. (PhD series, No. 43.2018)
PhD thesis
Outside activities

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