
Department of Business Humanities and Law

  • Governance, Culture & Learning Unit
Vishv Priya
Associate professor

Room: POR/18.B-3.126
E-mail: vpk.bhl@cbs.dk
Vishv Priya Kohli

Vishv Priya Kohli is employed as associate professor at CBS. Her research interest primarily lies in the area of Intellectual Property Rights, where she has a specific focus on counterfeiting in the pharmaceutical sector in the EU. In addition, Priya is carrying out research on the role of Big Data in the telemedicine sector and studying its reverberations on Intellectual Property Rights, Competition, and Innovation.

Primary research areas
  • Intellectual Property Law
  • Legal Risk Management 
  • Strategic Use of Health Data
  • Competition law
Administrative tasks
  • Course Responsible, Legal risk Management and Intellectual Property
  • Co - Course Responsible, Marketing Law
Curriculum Vitae
Link to this homepage
  • Legal Risk Management and Intellectual Property Law
  • Marketing law (Markedsret)
  • Advanced Marketing Law (Videregående Markedsret)
  • Strategic Use of Health data (Strategisk Anvendelse af sundhedsdata)
  • Bachelors Project 1
  • Bachelors Project 2
  • Master theses
Selected publications

Vishv Priya Kohli / Counterfeit and Falsified Medicines in the EU : A Legal Perspective.
Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2021, 171 s. (Elgar Studies in Health and the Law).


Vishv Priya Kohli; Marie-Louise Holle; Kim Østergaard / Udveksling af data med udenlandske aktører
In: Persondata og forskning. red. /Kent Kristensen. København : Djøf Forlag 2022, pp. 527-544.


Vishv Priya Kohli; Stina Teilmann-Lock / My Plate, Not Thine : Copyright Infringement of Würtz Utensils.
In: Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, 2.12.2021.


Vishv Priya Kohli / Clip, Cut and Score? : Maritime and Commercial Court of Denmark Rules.

In Landmark Case Concerning Copyright Infringement and Artists’ Rights.


Vishv Priya Kohli / Square Pegs in Triangular Spaces : Right to be Forgotten .
In: European Intellectual Property Review, Vol. 42, No. 2, 2020, pp. 75-77.


Vishv Priya Kohli; Stina Teilmann-Lock / Black Is Back : Maritime and Commercial Court of Denmark Rules in Landmark Copyright Case.
In: Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, Vol. 14, No. 11, 11.2019, pp. 829-830.


Vishv Priya Kohli / Combatting Falsification and Counterfeiting Of Medicinal Products in the European Union : A Legal Analysis.
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School [Phd] 2018, 351 p. (PhD series, No. 01.2018).

Publications sorted by:
Stina Teilmann-Lock; Vishv Priya Kohli / ‘Take the Money and Run’ : If There is Copyright There is Art (in Denmark)?.
In: Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, Vol. 19, No. 5, 5.2024, p. 390-392
Journal article > peer review
Vishv Priya Kohli / Protection of Textiles and Crafts in the EU through Geographical Indications : An Evaluation of the New Legislative Proposal.
In: European Intellectual Property Review, Vol. 45, No. 7, 2023, p. 407-410
Journal article > peer review
Marie-Louise Holle; Vishv Priya Kohli; Kim Østergaard / Bøder og erstatningsansvar
In: Persondata og forskning. ed. /Kent Kristensen. København : Djøf Forlag 2022, p. 663-684
Book chapter > peer review
Vishv Priya Kohli; Stina Teilmann-Lock / Copyright and Public Domain Works : Highsmith v Getty.
In: Intellectual Property Excesses: Exploring the Boundaries of IP Protection. . ed. /Enrico Bonadio; Aislinn O’Connell. London : Hart Publishing 2022, p. 71-86
Book chapter > peer review
Vishv Priya Kohli; Marie-Louise Holle; Kim Østergaard / Udveksling af data med udenlandske aktører
In: Persondata og forskning. ed. /Kent Kristensen. København : Djøf Forlag 2022, p. 527-544
Book chapter > peer review
Vishv Priya Kohli / Counterfeit and Falsified Medicines in the EU : A Legal Perspective.
Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2021, 171 p. (Elgar Studies in Health and the Law)
Book > peer review
Vishv Priya Kohli; Stina Teilmann-Lock / My Plate, Not Thine : Copyright Infringement of Würtz Utensils.
In: Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, Vol. 16, No. 12, 12.2021, p. 1301-1303
Journal article > peer review
Vishv Priya Kohli / Big Data in Health Services - Legal Perspectives : Legal Protection of Information and the Boundary Between Identifiable and Anonymized Information.
In: Kunstig intelligens og big data i helsesektoren: Rettslige Perspektiver. . ed. /Anne Kjersti Befring; Inger-Johanne Sand. Oslo : Gyldendal Norsk Forlag 2020, p. 254-274
Book chapter > peer review
Vishv Priya Kohli / Clip, Cut and Score? : Maritime and Commercial Court of Denmark Rules in Landmark Case Concerning Copyright Infringement and Artists’ Rights.
In: Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, Vol. 15, No. 10, 10.2020, p. 776-777
Journal article > peer review
Vishv Priya Kohli / Globalisation and FRAND : IP & Competition Law Perspective.
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School [wp] 2020, 9 p. (CBS LAW Research Paper, No. 20-03)
Working paper > peer review
More results... (total 17 results)
Outside activities
  • EU Commission, December 2018-2021, worked as the country expert for Denmark on the study of the transposition of Directive 2016/943 on trade secrets by Member States.
    (Compliance assessment of Directive 2016/943 on Trade secrets for Denmark)
  • EU Commission, September 26th 2019-2021, worked as the country expert for Denmark on the study of the transpositionof Directive 2015/2436 on Trade Marks by Member States .
  • EU Commission, 2021-present, working as the national expert for Denmark on the study on the Cross-Border Healthcare Directive 2011/24/EU.