
Past events

  • 25 September, 2015 - 12:00 to 13:30
    THE EVENT IS POSTPONED! This will be the fourth and final meeting in the PP Platform's Shifting Forms of Public Governance cluster’s seminar series and will take place on September 25, 2015.
  • 25 September, 2015 - 12:00 to 13:00
    The CBS Public-Private Platform is exploring the possibility of forming a new thematic cluster on Diversity & Difference. On September 25th, 2015 at 12 o’clock we are inviting all CBS researches already working on or interested in this area to join us for an idea-generating startup meeting.
  • 8 September, 2015 - 13:00 to 15:00
    Partnerskaber og affaldshåndtering mellem miljø og økonomisk effektivitet? Lær af engelske og danske erfaringer på dette seminar om affaldshåndtering og partnerskaber.
  • 23 June, 2015 - 15:00 to 16:30
    The Public-Private Platform and the cluster of Law Enforcement and Armed Forces (LEAF) invite for a Reflection Seminar with Professor Karen Ashcraft on 'Occupational Identity and Difference: Reflections Toward Military Practice'.
  • 18 May, 2015 - 14:30 to 17:30
    On May 18, 2015 the PP Platform will host a seminar on Behavioural Economics here at CBS. Professor Peter John from University College London will be keynote at this event.
  • 12 May, 2015 - 15:30 to 17:30
    The CBS Public-Private Platform and the Department of Business and Politics are proud to welcome Darrell West to CBS on May 12. Darrell West works at the Brookings Institution, which is consistently ranked as the most influential, most quoted and most trusted think tank. We hope to see you at this event on Wealth, Politics, and Democracy.
  • 11 May, 2015 - 16:00 to 18:00
    In this talk, Professor John Alford will address the issue of “wicked problems” that are confronting public managers and politicians in Denmark and around the world. John Alford is known for his work on co-production, public value creation and management, and rethinking public service delivery systems.
  • 30 April, 2015 - 15:30 to 17:00
    On April 30 the Center for Health Management invites for a go-home meeting on accreditation in health care. Professor and General Practitioner Frans Boch Waldorff will focus on accreditation in general practice and present a project which evaluates this accreditation. Ivar Friis, Associate Professor at CBS will present theoretical perspectives on accreditation in general and comment on the evaluation design.
  • 23 April, 2015 - 08:30 to 10:00
    CBS’ Public-Private Platform inviterer til et morgenseminar under Forskningens Døgn. Arrangementet stiller skarp på de algoritmiske markeder og high-frequency trading. I spidsen for arrangementet står professor i politisk sociologi Christian Borch, der igennem længere tid har forsket i massebevægelser på de finansielle markeder.
  • 17 April, 2015 - 14:30 to 16:00
    The third meeting in the PP Platform's Shifting Forms of Public Governance cluster’s new seminar series will take place on April 17, 2015.
