CSR in SMEs Conference

Over 130 participants from 19 countries across Europe present on 26 October


On October 26 Center for Corporate Values and Responsibility at Copenhagen Business School hosted the conference “The Social Responsibility of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises: The Integration of CSR into SME Business Practice”. The event incorporated a series of high-level presentations from thought leaders and practitioners in the field of CSR in SMEs and responsible entrepreneurship. Furthermore, 31 papers had been accepted for presentation in five workshops which facilitated deeper discussion of the subjects at hand.

The conference attracted more than 130 delegates from 19 different countries across Europe and has been termed a great success by both participants and organizers. The aim of the event was to provide a forum for multi-stakeholder discussion on responsible business in SMEs. Around half of the conference delegates were academics and the other half of the participants was equally divided on business practitioners and policy-makers. The conference offered a unique opportunity to learn more about ongoing research, policy programmes and practical insights on CSR in SMEs. Speakers included:

  • David Grayson, Small Business Consortium

  • Geoff Moore, Professor of Business Ethics, Durham Business School

  • Tom Dodd, Policy Advisor on CSR, DG Enterprise and Industry, European Commission

  • Peter Lacy, Executive Director, The European Academy of Business in Society

  • Carsten Ingerslev, Head of Department, Danish Commerce and Companies Agency

  • Mette Morsing, Associate Professor, Copenhagen Business School

  • Philippe Gueniau, CEO, Rice Denmark

Please visit the conference website for presentations, full papers and abstracts:

www.cbs.dk/csrsme. All full papers will be taken into consideration for the Business Ethics: A European Review special issue on CSR in SMEs. Please find Call for Papers at

http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/pdf/BEER_Call_for_papers_Oct06.pdf (due date: 31 January 2007).

The event built on the ongoing People & Profit project currently rolled out in Denmark and the experiences from the People & Profit Research Project headed by Mette Morsing. Furthermore, the conference was a continuation of the work accomplished to date by the EABIS Knowledge Network on CSR in SMEs led by Geoff Moore. The conference was organised in co-operation with The Danish Commerce and Companies Agency and funded by The European Social Fund and The National Labour Market Authority’s Fund for Development of the Inclusive Labour Market with support from The European Academy of Business in Society.

The page was last edited by: Communications // 10/12/2012