Focus on Danish shipping

- Shipping research at CBS is supported by the Danish shipping company Norden


Shipping research at CBS is supported by the Danish shipping company Norden

In 1987, Danish shipping companies were in a deep crisis. Today, twenty years later, Copenhagen is home to the world’s largest container shipping company, and shipping has become one of Denmark’s most important industries.

Taking advantage of globalisation opportunities

But why and how have Danish shipping companies taken advantage of globalisation? A number of researchers at CBS will try to answer these questions In the coming years.

The shipping company Norden/Orients Fond has therefore decided to support the research network Blue by providing Martin Jes Iversen, Assistant Professor, and Henrik Sornn-Friese, Associate Professor, with a total of 1,350,000 Danish kroner.

The funds are earmarked for a PhD scholarship on the development of the shipping industry and for the establishment of an Internet-based database that will chart the development of the maritime industry since 1970.


In 2006, Blue received approximately two million Danish kroner from Den Maritime Fond (the Danish Maritime Fund) that, together with the new support from the shipping company Norden, provides a good basis for the CBS research, in the coming years, to reflect the international shipping position of Copenhagen.

The page was last edited by: Communications // 12/10/2007