The Danish Science Festival: Meet the tech-professor, the techplomacy and the Public Affairs Manager at Google

Digital super powers? Meet a tech-professor, a tech-ambassador and the government relations manager at Google in a dialogue about the role of internet companies in society. The event is held under the auspices of CBS’ Business in Society research platform Transformations.

Friday, April 20, 2018 - 14:00 to 15:00

The Danish Science Festival

Tech-giants - global IT companies such as Google, Apple and Facebook - take up a lot of space in our lives, the media and political discussions. For a long time, we have considered them bearers of the shining democratic possibilities of the future. We have shared our deepest secrets on their platforms and given their products to our children. Without knowing very much about them and their business models. At the same time, it has become evident that tech-giants not only dominate markets, but also other areas such as knowledge and politics. Cases of tax evasion, data leaks and manipulated elections take up headlines everywhere, and we see a meltdown of the trust and excitement that used to flow through these digital networks.

But the internet, digital technology and data are inseparably linked with our lives and globalised reality, and we have to find ways to discuss their role in society - now and in the future. These dialogues can take many forms, and as something new, Denmark has established a ‘techplomacy’ with ambassadors expatriated in IT strongholds as Silicon Valley and Beijing. At the same time internet companies also become involved in more public debates and have to take a position on an increased focus on their internal affairs.

This event offers an exceptional insight into Google and the Danish ‘techplomacy’ and offers the opportunity to debate questions such as:
•    How do we get access to internet companies and establish a dialogue that generates openness and trust?
•    How do we make clearer rules for tech-giants and their societal responsibility?
•    How do we balance technological and societal ambitions?
•    What are the differences between the individual tech-giants and why are these differences important?

Listen to Professor with special responsibilities at CBS Mikkel Flyverbom, who conducts research in digital transformation, in a dialogue with Christine Sørensen, Communications and Public Affairs Manager at Google, and Nikolaj Juncher Wædegaard, Head of Secretariat & Deputy to Denmark’s Tech Ambassador.

The event is held under the auspices of CBS’ Business in Society research platform Transformations.

Time:  Friday 20 April,14:00-15:00 with a following reception
Place: CBS – Kilen, Kilevej 14 A/B, 2000 Frederiksberg
Room: Ks43


The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 09/02/2020