Research Reporter november

Sammenhæng i forretningsmodellen, FDB-møblernes succesrige historie og hvordan en virksomheds fortid kan bruges til at forme dens fremtid. Læs om nye udgivelser fra CBS i denne måneds Research Reporter.


Is the business model at odds with itself?
Having the right business model can mean the difference between a company's success and failure. But it can be surprisingly difficult to align all aspects of a business model. In his new book, Thomas Ritter, professor, provides the tools for companies to analyse and develop the key elements of their business models and ensure that these elements add up.

Read more about the book ”Alignment Squared – Driving Competitiveness and Growth through Business Model Excellence” and download it for free.

The story of Brugsen's furniture fairy tale
A piece of Danish furniture and entrepreneurship history is unfolded in the book "En lys og lykkelig fremtid – historien om FDB-møbler" (A bright and happy future - the story of FDB furniture) by Per H. Hansen, professor. The book describes how the furniture became such a huge success that in their heyday nearly a million of the same FDB chair could be found in Danish homes.

Read the whole story about "En lys og lykkelig fremtid – historien om FDB-møbler" in Research Reporter – in Danish only.

How the past can shape a company's future
By focusing on specific aspects of a company's past, managers can shape its future. This is one of the main points in a new book by Tor Hernes, professor, in which he also highlights how Jørgen Vig Knudstorp, LEGO CEO, has shaped LEGOs future from its past.

Read more about the book ”A Process Theory of Organisation”  and how the past can help shape the future

Tweets predict iPhone sales
Tweets, the massive stream of Twitter updates, can be used for more than an entertaining read. Ravi Vatrapu, professor, and two students have developed a method to predict iPhone sales for the next quarter with plus or minus 5 % accuracy. This model is an example of the potential of Big Data analysis, claim the researchers behind it.  

Read the paper on the three researchers' method.

Research Reporter is sent out roughly every other month by CBS Library. You can read more about the newsletter and sign up, but most articles are in Danish.

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 12/17/2017