
  • 29.10.2018

    CBS in November

    Two new adjunct professors give their inaugural lectures at CBS. Anne-Marie Skov, Executive Director of the Tuborg Foundation will be talking about processes of change, and Lars Rebien Sørensen, Chairman of the Novo Nordisk Foundation, will bring us up to speed with the foundation’s new strategy. Read more about the two events and many more in November.
  • 29.10.2018

    Professor is to lead large EU project on data science

    ECON professor Dolores Romero Morales receives €1,168,400.00 from the European Commission for coordination of a project entitled Research and Innovation Staff Exchange Network of European Data Scientists (H2020-MSCA-RISE NeEDS).
  • 24.10.2018

    CBS scholar to receive CEMS Honorary Membership

    Dorte Salskov-Iversen, Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Management, Society and Communication is to receive the CEMS Honorary Membership for her outstanding contribution to the Global Alliance in Management Education, CEMS.
  • 22.10.2018

    Comment on the hiring of a former Wall Street trader

    A former Wall Street trader known for his involvement in aspects of the financial crisis, who later became a researcher from University of Chicago, is employed as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Finance.
  • 15.10.2018

    New vice dean to focus efforts on external funding

    CBS has appointed its first vice dean of research. Today, Nanna Mik-Meyer, Professor with special responsibilities, takes on the position. Read more about her most important task and how she is planning to go about it.
  • 12.10.2018

    CBS celebrates the UN's 73rd birthday

    CBS will be the host of a birthday celebration in honor of the United Nations on 24 October 2018 at the Wedge (Kilen). CBS and the Danish UN Association Copenhagen have joined together to celebrate the birthday of the UN on a day that will feature prominent speakers, music, and a tree-planting with the mayor of Frederiksberg.
  • 11.10.2018

    CBS to enhance retention of international talent

    Dean of Education Gregor Halff is establishing a new position to increase the focus on retaining CBS’ international graduates on the Danish labour market. ”International students and graduates are a valuable resource to Denmark; society as well as the business community”, says the dean of education.
