
  • 07.11.2016

    Evolution and not revolution needed in the financial sector

    CBS researchers will analyse alternative ways to structure the financial sector to prevent a new financial crisis. The researchers, who recently received a grant just shy of six million Danish kroner, believe that change must come from within the system.
  • 31.10.2016

    CBS in November

    November's events at CBS include a presentation on Big Data, an information meeting about Diploma programmes and Jim Hagemann Snabe's inaugural lecture. You can also celebrate CBS students and employees at the DSEB & CBS Prize presentations.
  • 12.10.2016

    Danish foundations from a historical perspective

    When it comes to establishing foundations, Denmark has the unofficial world record. Foundations generally do their best to stay out of the public eye, but a new book co-authored by CBS Professor Anker Brink Lund called “The History of Danish Foundations” takes a closer look.
  • 04.10.2016

    CBS President continues until 2020

    CBS is looking forward to three more years with Per Holten-Andersen as president. The CBS Board of Executives and the President have agreed to renew the contract until January 2020.
  • 04.10.2016

    Back to school at the Annual Danish Top Executive Summit 2017

    Top Danish executives will have the opportunity to gain insight into the future during the Annual Danish Top Executive Summit 2017, where they will hear about the latest knowledge from CBS researchers, meet with students and distinguished senior managers when the event takes place on 1 June next year at CBS.
  • 03.10.2016

    Find career inspiration at CBS Career Fair 2016

    Would you like to learn more about a large number of companies from various industries? Participate in CBS Career Fair on 5 and 6 October where we connect businesses and CBS students.
  • 30.09.2016

    Researchers at the head of Danish financial supervision

    Henrik Ramlau-Hansen, Associate Professor at CBS and former CFO of Danske Bank, is the new chairman of the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, Finanstilsynet. Professor David Lando is re-elected as Deputy Chairman.
  • 30.09.2016

    CBS in October

    CBS invites you to a number of events in October. Meet more than 65 businesses at CBS Career Fair 2016 and participate in a conference on the impact of the rapid spread of digital entrepreneurship.
