
  • 01.12.2015

    CBS in December

    Chinese football, Falck’s competitiveness, and a top German economist on the so-called Euro crisis are all on the agenda in December. Is the Falck Group equipped to tackle the development of new technologies? Can European football learn anything from China? And how will the EU’s economy be affected by national debt, banking and monetary policies? All this and much more is on at CBS in December.
  • 26.11.2015

    EU referendum on the opt-out – find an expert at CBS

    On 3 December 2015 the Danes will be voting yes or no to whether the Danish opt-out on EU judicial cooperation should be changed to an opt-in scheme. Here you can see which CBS experts are able to comment on the referendum.
  • 20.11.2015

    Professor defends doctor of philosophy degree

    On Friday 27 November 2015 Professor Ove K. Pedersen will defend his doctoral thesis, which is based on the books "Konkurrencestaten" (The Competition State) and "Markedsstaten" (The Market State). The doctoral defense, which will take place at CBS, is an analysis of the modern Danish state.
  • 18.11.2015

    Digital technologies lift people out of poverty

    Digital technologies push low-income countries forward, helping to lift millions out of poverty. This is the message of global serial entrepreneur Iqbal Quadir, who will visit CBS as a part of the Kapuscinski Development Lectures.
  • 12.11.2015

    YES or NO? EU2015 debate at CBS

    CBS launches the debate on a yes or a no vote to the EU referendum with a visit from all the political parties in the Danish government Tuesday 17 November. Leading experts on the opt-in system and opt-outs will shed light on the various consequences.
  • 02.11.2015

    Customer clubs under the microscope

    Denmark’s largest research project on customer clubs and loyalty programmes shows that many companies offer clubs without having a long-term plan to create meaningful content and build good relationships with customers.
  • 30.10.2015

    CBS in November

    Do customer clubs really result in more loyal customers? What is at stake when Denmark votes about the EU opt-out in December? How do global companies avoid the pitfalls of cultural differences? Who will become student of the year (and employee of the year)? And did the financial crisis teach the sector more responsibility? Visit CBS in November and find the answers.
