International Office


CBS International Office works in teams: Management; Outbound (for CBS students going on exchange); Inbound (for partner university students coming to CBS on exchange); CBS Summer University (for students and teachers participating in the International Summer University Programme); CEMS and Double Degree (for students doing a double degree or the CEMS MIM at CBS); and Special Programmes (short-term programmes and housing allocation).

profile picture First name Last namesort descending Title Department Contact
Profile Picture Casper Lindblad Andresen International Programme Manager & Partner Contact at CBS Summer University The International Office
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Edita Arlauskaite International Programme Manager, Inbound The International Office ear.stu@cbs.d...
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Rene Elizabeth Barseghian Team Leader, CEMS & Double Degree Programmes The International Office reb.stu@cbs.d...
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Dorte Brix Administrative Officer, Housing The International Office housing.intof...
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Catherine Layolle Busch International Programme Manager, Outbound The International Office
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Louise Hoff Byrnak International Programme Manager, Outbound The International Office lhb.stu@cbs.d...
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Jesper Jesper Høegh Bøgstrup International Programme Manager, Outbound The International Office jhm.stu@cbs.d...
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Dummy profile picture Anette Hove Cox Team Leader, Inbound The International Office ahc.intoff@cb...
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Profile Picture Anders Krogh Folkmann International Programme Manager, Outbound The International Office af.intoff@cbs...
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Dummy profile picture Sarah Kondrup Hansen Administrative Officer, CBS Summer University The International Office skh.stu@cbs.d...
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Dummy profile picture Gitte Hvitfeld Specialkonsulent, CBS Summer University The International Office
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Dummy profile picture Pia Jakobsen Erasmus Assistent, Outbound The International Office
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Mette Kloch Mette Kloch Senior Advisor, Strategic International Partnerships The International Office mk.intoff@cbs...
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Scott Lewis Team Leader, Outbound The International Office sl.intoff@cbs...
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Profile Picture Wilbert van der Meer Director of International Office The International Office
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Profile Picture Wafa El Moumi Nielsen CEMS & Double Degree Programmes Manager The International Office
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Profile Picture Pia Linda Rønnow Torp International Programme Manager, Inbound The International Office
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