Alumni Event: Managing Social Media Across Cultural and Linguistic Borders

Thursday, March 12, 2015 - 17:00 to 19:30

Organizations’ communication with internal and external stakeholders is undergoing change. Social media enable organizations to interact with its stakeholders online. However, the affordances of these new technologies bring some major cultural and linguistic challenges and opportunities for global companies.

Join us on 12 March when researchers and social media practitioners discuss the challenges that companies are facing when managing their social media relations with customers, markets and society. Margrethe Mondahl (Associate Professor, CBS) will moderate the discussion.

Look forward to meet Kasper Kofod, Social Media Manager at Novo Nordisk, Rikke Krag Jespersen, Global Community Manager at Coloplast, Michael Etter, Post Doc, and Barbara Dragsted, Associate Professor, both from the CBS Department of International Business Communication.

Join us afterwards for a reception with networking opportunities.

Before the debate, you can send a question for the panel in CBS Alumni’s Inbox (private message) on our Facebook page.

Practical information
The event will take place on 12 March 2015 from 17:00-19:30 Sidevognen (room DSV001) at Dalgas Have.

Register for the event no later than 9 March 2015. Registration is now closed.

The event is organized by The Department of International Business Communication (IBC), The MA IBC Study Board and CBS Alumni.

Meet the speakers

Kasper Kofod is Digital Media Project Manager at Novo Nordisk. He manages digital projects and channels as well as supports marketing and affiliates in executing digital campaigns and projects. Kasper drives several boards on digital and social media to coordinate digital initiatives around the organisation and mature the organisation digitally.

Rikke Krag Jespersen is the global responsible for Coloplast's social media channels. She specializes in social media as a business driver. On a practical level this means that she spends a lot of time looking into data, analytics and the behaviour of Coloplast's stakeholders in order to optimize the communications across platforms building a content marketing strategy.

Barbara Dragsted is associate professor at the Department of International Business Communication at CBS. Her research interests include cross-language communication and multilinguality in international organizations.

Michael Etter is a research fellow at the Department of International Business Communication and the Center for CSR at the Copenhagen Business School. In his research, Michael is interested in corporate communication, corporate social responsibility, new media, organizational reputation and identity.

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