Who is Responsible for Educating Students in the World's Agenda on Sustainable Development, if not Universities?

''CBS can benefit greatly from engaging in the SDGs and using the SDG platform to position itself as a meaningful contributor in the areas of research and education'' it says Louise Thomsen in a new article from CBS BOS, the Business of Society.


It has been two years since the Sustainable Development Goals were launched. However, during a small SDG awareness event at Solbjerg Plads some students were asked to answer a brief survey in order to asses their awareness of the SDGs. Only 32,4 percent, out of 108 students indicated that they know about the SDGs.

According to Louise Thomsen, CBS needs to take much stronger stand and acknowledge the SDGs as a crucial part of all business education. Furthermore she adds, '' Education is the core of achieving the SDGs, and universities are with their teaching and researching activities of fundamental importance to the implementation of the goals. The SDGs are a global framework, shared language and understanding of the world's development...''

The page was last edited by: PRME // 05/17/2022