CBS Maritime Research Seminar on Port Competitiveness
Photo: CBS Maritime
Elvira pointed at the possibilities to build on strategic management and its instruments, for example the resource based view, portfolio management, agency and transaction cost theory, bottom of the pyramid thinking etc., to better understand port and maritime issues such as competitiveness in today’s context. Special attention was given to socio-economic and cooperation determinants of a port’s competitiveness and how this can be included in a port’s strategy to ensure its license to operate and to facilitate future (expansion) projects and their financing.
She also called for more use of strategy theory and concepts into maritime research, for more conceptual foundations of the research questions to be answered. This will also foster more high-level publications of the research fellows active in this domain.
"Another challenge is to broaden the empirical context to more ports, and to a more international perspective in general. This could be reached by more intense collaboration between our universities for joint publications and the joint effort on guiding PhD research" says professor Elvira Haezendonck.
Around 15 researchers from CBS, DTU and Aalborg University joined the seminar with Elvira Haezendonck.
Photo: CBS Maritime