PhD defence: Stine Hedegaard

In order to obtain the PhD degree Stine Hedegaard has submitted her thesis entitled: Sustainability-Focused Identity: Identity work performed to manage, negotiate and resolve barriers and tensions that arise in the process of constructing organizational identity in a sustainability context.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015 - 09:00 to 11:00

In order to obtain the PhD degree Stine Hedegaard has submitted her thesis entitled:

Sustainability-Focused Identity:
Identity work performed to manage, negotiate and resolve barriers and tensions that arise in the process of constructing organizational identity in a sustainability context

The PhD thesis explores how barriers and tensions that arise around the processes of constructing a sustainability-focused identity are managed, negotiated and resolved. Based on a case study of a global retailer, the study examines what type of barriers and tensions arise in identity construction within the context of sustainability, Why these tensions arise and the different types of identity work performed by management and organizational members to manage, negotiate and solve arising barriers and tensions.

Professor Majken Schultz
Department of Organization
Copenhagen Business School

Secondary Supervisor:
Professor Nelson Phillips
Imperial College London

Assessment Committee:
Professor Martin Kornberger (Chair)
Department of Organization
Copenhagen Business School

Professor Gail Whiteman
Department of Business-Society Management
Rotterdam School of Management (RSM)
Erasmus University Rotterdam

Professor Andrea Whittle
Management and Organization Studies
Newcastle University Business School

The thesis is available here.

The Doctoral School of Organisation and Management Studies will host a reception, which will take place immediately after the defence at Department of Organization, Kilevej 14 A, 2000 Frederiksberg,
4th floor, room K4.74.

The page was last edited by: Communications // 07/31/2018