Why is diversity so important?

The 31st of January to the 1st of February 2013 the CBS Public-Private Platform and the Department of Intercultural Communication and Management invites to the workshop ”Diversity and Difference in the Contemporary Workplace”.


Diversity and Difference in the Contemporary Workplace


The 31st of January to the 1st of February 2013 the CBS Public-Private Platform and the Department of Intercultural Communication and Management invites to the workshop ”Diversity and Difference in the Contemporary Workplace”.

The event will take place at Dalgas Have, CBS and you can find much more information at the conference webpage, also about the program and registration: http://www.conferencemanager.dk/diversity/the-event.html

Or read more about diversity and the workshop at CBS Observer(in Danish) http://cbsobserver.dk/det-handler-om-mangfoldighed

Diversity continues to remain a salient issue for all types of organizations. Statements like ‘we value diversity’ and ‘we see difference as an asset’ appear more and more frequently in corporate, governmental, and NGO repertoire of values.

The goal of this workshop is to exchange experiences, practices, and ideas on how to work with diversity and difference in the workplace. You are kindly invited to take part in this workshop to learn about and share your own experiences with diversity management and equal opportunity practices.

If you have further questions feel free to contact Robyn Remke, rr.ikl@cbs.dk, Annette Risberg, ari.ikl@cbs.dk, or Luc Lepandou lal.ikl@cbs.dk.


The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 02/26/2013