CBS Maritime joins national venture into green shipping

CBS Maritime joins a new partnership with more than DKK 100 m. in funding. It is the biggest national venture so far into developing green technologies for the maritime sector.


Director and Co-director of the CBS Maritime Platform, Henrik Sornn-Friese and Carsten Ørts Hansen. Photographer; Carsten Bundgaard.

Front page photo; Shutterstock: donvictorio

A new society partnership Blue INNOship will further boost 'The Blue Denmark' through the development of technologies to reduce CO2 and sulfur emissions significantly in the shipping industry.

40 companies and organisations are behind the partnership, which consists of 14 projects financed by Innovationsfonden, private foundations and companies. The partnership has a budget of over DKK 100 m., of which CBS Maritime has brought home DKK 6.2 m.

Over the next four years the 14 projects will deliver solutions to realise the partnership's goal of reducing CO2 emissions by 30-50 percent and sulfur dioxides (SOx) and nitrogen dioxides (NOx) by 80 percent compared to 2008 standards.

Interdisciplinary effort
In charge of CBS' participation is Carsten Ørts Hansen, Co-director of the CBS Maritime Platform, where maritime research and teaching activities are concentrated.

- We are very much looking forward to rising to the challenge and participating in the partnership. At CBS we have planned an interdisciplinary effort with focus on pricing, cost control, contract types and funding of technical solutions that shipping companies and suppliers are working on developing, says Carsten Ørts Hansen.

The external funding for CBS of DKK 6.2 m. will go to PhD and postdoc positions, a project assistant and MSc student involvement in the research activities over the next three years.

Close cooperation with DTU
The project is executed in close cooperation with the maritime sector, including Maritime DTU, which has recently concentrated its maritime research activities in the same way as CBS.

- Establishing this partnership is a concrete example of how we have succeeded in creating an interdisciplinary cooperation where the industry, Maritime DTU and CBS Maritime each contribute with our specialist competencies and create interesting and relevant research activities, says Henrik Sornn-Friese, Director, who together with Carsten Ørts Hansen is in charge of the development of CBS Maritime.

For further information please contact Carsten Ørts Hansen, Co-director of CBS Maritime.

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 12/17/2017