
  • 01.12.2022

    World Cup Qatar: Why it is so hard to look away

    Moral qualms are not going to stop the majority from watching the World Cup in Qatar, but why is it so hard to look away? Football – and the World Cup in particular – is the most captivating and addictive sports event in the world, according to a sports economist.
  • 28.11.2022

    New research project will teach us how to handle increasing house prices

    House prices are one of the most important factors in our personal finances and the national economy in general. However, policymakers still seek consensus as to which measures can regulate the market. Kathrin Schlafmann wishes to address this problem after she has been given one of Independent Research Fund Denmark’s prestigious Sapere Aude grants of DKK 6.2m.
  • 23.11.2022

    We are willing to pay larger energy bills in solidarity with Ukraine

    People can feel solidarity with a place where citizens suffer. It makes us respond with words and action even though it comes at a price. CBS research shows that, for example, solidarity makes people willing to pay more for airfare if the fuel does not come from Russia.
  • 22.11.2022

    New research will tell us more about what losing data means

    Nanna Bonde Thylstrup, Associate Professor at CBS, has just been awarded one of Europe’s most prestigious research grants, an ERC Starting Grant, from the European Research Council, amounting to approximately 15 million DKK. Over the next five years, she will explore and find new ways of understanding data loss.
  • 15.11.2022

    CBS climate project awarded Velux HUMpraxis grant

    With environmental problems, social challenges and the aging population being just some of the challenges that cut across professional areas, two CBS researchers Robin Holt and Christina Juhlin have been awarded a grant of 5,431,382 DKK for their project CLIMATE-PART.
  • 09.11.2022

    Geopolitical challenges - find an expert

    After the outbreak of war in Ukraine, the geopolitical challenges are greater than they have been in a long time. The challenges are found in areas such as defence, security of supply, inflation, cyber security, climate and sanctions. Sometimes, it can be difficult to maintain an overview. Here is a list of some CBS researchers that can contribute with knowledge and perspectives in challenging times.
  • 06.10.2022

    New initiative to create better entrepreneurs

    Leadership: Entrepreneurs have a history of underprioritising the importance of strong leadership. CBS and the Danish Industry Foundation are now joining forces to focus on leadership in start-ups.
