International Diploma Programme is a hit

One of CBS’ oldest programmes has been relaunched as the Graduate Diploma Programme in International Business


One of CBS' oldest programmes has been relaunched

75 business people have just commenced the Graduate Diploma Programme (HD 2. del) in International Business. It was established in the 1930s, but the old programme is still full of life. To begin with, the programme focused on Baltic trade, then it was foreign trade, and now the programme is entitled International Business.

Increase in applicants

The programme has just been relaunched as an independent specialisation, and it has made a strong start with 75 applicants. In 2009, when it was part of a combined programme, 30 students enrolled.

International focus is the way out of recession

The programme has a strong international focus. Programme Director Peter Gammeltoft says that such focus explains part of the increase in applicants.


- Economic developments has resulted in many companies experiencing an embattled home market which is why they have chosen to focus on new markets such as China, Brazil and India. Export and foreign business must help us out of this recession - not the home market, and the business sector is aware of that, says Peter Gammeltoft, Associate Professor with focus on international political economy and trade.

Almost every specialisation of the Diploma Programme has experienced an increase in applications in 2010, and a part of the explanation is an exceptionally high intake of students in the Graduate Certificate Programme (HD 1.del) in 2008. The students from then are now ready to begin the second part of their studies.

Read more about the Graduate Diploma Programme in International Business.

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The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 09/23/2010