New Master Class Announced

CBS MBA Alumni Society


European MBA Strategy Days 2007 - Rethinking Your Strategy

The CBS MBA Alumni Society recently announced the program details of their new Master Class entitled "European MBA Strategy Days 2007 - Rethinking Your Strategy".

This year's Master Class, which will take place from
29 May - 1 June 2007 (both days included), will be ample opportunities for participants to obtain fresh insights and new perspectives on strategy from the following leading thinkers and experts:

  • Professor Sandra Vandermerwe, Imperial College, London

  • Professor John Stuart Read, IMD, Lusanne

  • Assistant Professor Axel Rosenø, CBS


The key program headlines for this year’s Master Class are:

  • Breakthrough Innovation in a Networked World

  • Crafting Strategy in an Uncertain World

  • Delivering Superior Customer Value in a Competitive World

  • Strategy Execution in a Dynamic World

For more information, please click here.


The fee for the four full-day sessions is DKK 18,750 (€ 2,500). The fee includes course materials and dinner after each session.

A discount of 20 per cent (20%) is given to members of the CBS MBA Alumni Society and to companies who sign up 3 participants or more, making the price DKK 15,000.

Online Registration

Please register online before 15 May 2007. Click here to register.


Copenhagen Business School

Dalgas Have 15

2000 Frederiksberg

About CBS MBA Alumni Society

The CBS MBA Alumni Society is a networking forum for Executive MBA and Full time MBA graduates from Copenhagen Business School.

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 03/29/2007