The International Business' Best Teacher Award 2010/11 to Battista Severgnini

The International Business' Teacher Award 2010/11


The teaching virtues of Battista Severgnini

The Study Board student representatives, Hans-Jacob Arndt and Troels Lindblad Johansen, gave this explanation as to why it was Research Fellow, Battista Severgnini, from the Department of Economics teaching International Economics in the spring, 2011, who won:

Generally, Battista is a very timely teacher that shows truly passion and commitment to his teaching. He does everything in his power to provide the students with the best possible tools to do as well as possible at the exam. His teaching style is very much based on exemplification – by means of current affairs and real life application techniques – as well as bottom-up teaching. One student had even “given him two thumbs up for his commitment and his always kind and helpful disposition”. Moreover, this was just the more impressing by the fact that Battista is new not only to the programme, but also to CBS, so this was some way to start off with.

On top of the award there were a bouquet of flowers and a 20,000 DKK check to reward the diligent teacher 

The teaching virtues of Battista Severgnini

The Study Board student representatives, Hans-Jacob Arndt and Troels Lindblad Johansen, gave this explanation as to why it was Research Fellow, Battista Severgnini, from the Department of Economics teaching International Economics in the spring, 2011, who won:

Generally, Battista is a very timely teacher that shows truly passion and commitment to his teaching. He does everything in his power to provide the students with the best possible tools to do as well as possible at the exam. His teaching style is very much based on exemplification – by means of current affairs and real life application techniques – as well as bottom-up teaching. One student had even “given him two thumbs up for his commitment and his always kind and helpful disposition”. Moreover, this was just the more impressing by the fact that Battista is new not only to the programme, but also to CBS, so this was some way to start off with.

On top of the award there were a bouquet of flowers and a 20,000 DKK check to reward the diligent teacher

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 11/04/2011