The University of Copenhagen and CBS collaborate on new master's programmes

Students can be looking forward to new master programmes in European languages aimed at the business community


The University of Copenhagen and CBS will collaborate on offering master's programmes in French, German and Spanish, aimed at preparing students for working in the business community and organisations.

The University of Copenhagen and CBS both have strong research and teaching environments in the field of language studies. The presidents of the two universities have decided to let this benefit both students and the business community. According to the Danish Chamber of Commerce, more than 700,000 jobs in Denmark are created by export. 

CBS President Per Holten-Andersen says:

- The Danish business community needs candidates with strong, practical language competences. The University of Copenhagen and CBS will join forces in developing a high-quality language programme aimed at the business community.

Rector of the University of Copenhagen Ralf Hemmingsen says:

- The number of Danes who speak more than one foreign language is declining. That is unfortunate since these language skills determine our potential for understanding other cultures. Therefore we will be making an effort to raise the interest for languages among our students; e.g. by increasing the number of relevant language programmes offered.

A joint initiative

Both universities offer a number of bachelor programmes with language components, but it can be difficult to maintain a wide range of master's-level programmes for students who wish to focus on working with language in the business community. Therefore the two universities will collaborate on the development of a joint initiative.

A joint business-oriented programme at master's level will entail a wider range of opportunities for students who have embarked on a bachelor programme at the University of Copenhagen or CBS. This will add to the attraction of the bachelor programmes of both universities.

The initiative is also in line with the recommendations in a report from the Danish Government's committee on education in foreign languages, which among other things states that the universities must  strengthen the language programmes through increased collaboration, internally as well as in cooperation with other universities.

The Rector and the President have set up a committee to draft a proposal for a joint master's programme before 1 November. The committee consists of Jens Erik Mogensen and Karsten Schou from KU and Alex Klinge and Mette Skovgaard Andersen from CBS.


The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 07/12/2012