3 new faces at the CBS Public-Private Platform
New faces at the CBS Public-Private Platform
The affiliation of newcomers to the CBS Public-Private Platform is continuing and many interesting profiles are located under the different clusters. The following three ladies are some of the newest faces at the platform.
Lene Holm Pedersen, Professor MSO, CBS Department of Business and Politics. Joins the PP Clusters: Shifting Forms of Public Governance and Public-Private Partnerships, procurement and outsourcing.

Lene Holm Pedersen is Director of Research at KORA and professor MSO at CBS. Her present focus is on public service motivation and the interaction between steering, motivation and performance. The interplay between employee motivation, user capacity and models of public service provision is a central topic. Her field also covers organizational change and public sector reform, with a particular focus on local governments, and the power of ideas and the diffusion of organizational scripts. Methods applied are surveys, administrative data and comparative case-studies.
Charlotte Bill, Industrial PhD, CBS department of Management, Politics and Philosophy. joins the PP clusters: Shifting Forms of Public Governance and Public-Private Partnerships, procurement and outsourcing.

Charlotte Biil, Industrial Ph.D. student, CBS department of Management, Politics and Philosophy and Secretary General of Menighedernes Daginstitutioner, an NGO umbrella organization for independent NGO day-care institutions, joins the PP cluster of Shifting Forms of Public Governance and the cluster of Partnerships.
In 2005 Charlotte obtained her Master in Public Administration from CBS. She is a trained lawyer with a master of law degree from the University of Copenhagen. Since then she has had a professional career working at Danish Chamber of Commerce with different areas of politics regarding environmental law, public, private and non-profit collaboration, health and safety legislation, consumer legislation and Industrial Policy. Since 2005 she has been Secretary General of Menighedernes Daginstitutioner, where in 2010 she raised 5 million DKK from the Finance Law Budget funding a partnership project involving 120 independent NGO day-care institutions, MDI and the three municipalities of København, Århus and Svendborg.
The title of Charlotte’s Ph.D. project is: ”The battle for day-care institutions seen through the prism of partnership”. The Ph.D. project investigates how the partnership project can become both an administrative development and an institutionalized context for transverse performance of services, where the external strategic room is developed and established at the same time, as well as a framework for policy-making and a new model for legislation.
The partnership project is widely supported via a larger Advisory Board/partnership which involves key players in the field, such as the three municipalities Århus, København and Svendborg, The Ministry of Children and Education, The Social Agency, The Danish Chamber of Commerce, University College UCC, The Association of Directors of Public Administration of Children Culture, a number of NGO’s, Unions including BUPL and LFS and CBS LPF, which is also doing a part of the project management and the follow-up research.
In 2005 Charlotte obtained her Master in Public Administration from CBS. She is a trained lawyer with a master of law degree from the University of Copenhagen. Since then she has had a professional career working at Danish Chamber of Commerce with different areas of politics regarding environmental law, public, private and non-profit collaboration, health and safety legislation, consumer legislation and Industrial Policy. Since 2005 she has been Secretary General of Menighedernes Daginstitutioner, where in 2010 she raised 5 million DKK from the Finance Law Budget funding a partnership project involving 120 independent NGO day-care institutions, MDI and the three municipalities of København, Århus and Svendborg.
The title of Charlotte’s Ph.D. project is: ”The battle for day-care institutions seen through the prism of partnership”. The Ph.D. project investigates how the partnership project can become both an administrative development and an institutionalized context for transverse performance of services, where the external strategic room is developed and established at the same time, as well as a framework for policy-making and a new model for legislation.
The partnership project is widely supported via a larger Advisory Board/partnership which involves key players in the field, such as the three municipalities Århus, København and Svendborg, The Ministry of Children and Education, The Social Agency, The Danish Chamber of Commerce, University College UCC, The Association of Directors of Public Administration of Children Culture, a number of NGO’s, Unions including BUPL and LFS and CBS LPF, which is also doing a part of the project management and the follow-up research.
Stine Hald Larsen, Industrial PhD student, CBS Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy, joins the PP cluster of Shifting Forms of Public Governance.

Stine is a newly startet industrial PhD student at the Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy. Stine is doing her PhD projekt in collaboration between CBS and Kommunernes Landsforening (Local Government Denmark). In 2009 Stine obtained her Msc. In public administration from Roskilde University focusing on the management techniques and dilemmas in the interrelation between the public and the voluntary sector. Since 2009 Stine has had a professional career in Kommunernes Landsforening, where she has been working with public management, management development, public innovation and different forms of cooperation between the municipalities and the voluntary sector.
The title of Stines PhD project is: ’Partnerships between Municipalities and the Voluntary Sector – New Management Practices in the Production of Public Welfare’. The project focuses on the public management challenges, techniques and practices that emerge in the collaboration between the two sectors and how these management practices interrelate with traditional public management of the welfare production.

Stine is a newly startet industrial PhD student at the Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy. Stine is doing her PhD projekt in collaboration between CBS and Kommunernes Landsforening (Local Government Denmark). In 2009 Stine obtained her Msc. In public administration from Roskilde University focusing on the management techniques and dilemmas in the interrelation between the public and the voluntary sector. Since 2009 Stine has had a professional career in Kommunernes Landsforening, where she has been working with public management, management development, public innovation and different forms of cooperation between the municipalities and the voluntary sector.
The title of Stines PhD project is: ’Partnerships between Municipalities and the Voluntary Sector – New Management Practices in the Production of Public Welfare’. The project focuses on the public management challenges, techniques and practices that emerge in the collaboration between the two sectors and how these management practices interrelate with traditional public management of the welfare production.
The page was last edited by: Public-Private Platform // 12/17/2017