Universities and the Medicinal Industry identifies great value in common collaboration

How can collaboration between universities and the medicinal industry give rise to more value creation? This was the main question when people from both the public and private met the 3rd of May 2013 for a morning seminar about corporation between universities and the medicinal industry in connection with the national research day Forskningens Døgn.


How can collaboration between universities and the medicinal industry give rise to more value creation? This was the main question when people from both the public and private met the 3rd of May 2013 for a morning seminar about corporation between universities and the medicinal industry in connection with the national research day Forskningens Døgn.

The event turned out as a great success with lively debates occupying people at the event much longer than what was initially scheduled.  CBS researchers Christina Tvarnø and Grith Ølykke along with Head of Section at Leo Pharma Hasse Kromann enlightened the participants with how collaboration across can be brought to life. This resulted in good discussion about in what stage of the process collaboration should be encouraged, why the private need the public and the other way around and not least how value and not exploitation can be the power of partnerships.

The page was last edited by: Public-Private Platform // 12/17/2017