CBS recruiting mentors for Career Academy relaunch

CBS is looking for motivated mentors for CBS Career Academy, a career development programme for first-year master students. Interested in paying knowledge and experience forward to the next generation? Go to


In order to provide more students with the opportunity to follow a dedicated mentoring programme, CBS Business is now launching the popular CBS Career Academy in a new and scaled-up version.

They expect to welcome a minimum of 200 participating students when the programme rolls out this fall and they are therefore looking for dedicated and inspirational CBS alumni and associates interested in paying their knowledge and experience forward to the future generation within their field of expertise.

What is CBS Career Academy?
CBS Career Academy is a 5-month career development programme for a selected group of dedicated CBS first-year master students. The foundation of the programme is the group-mentoring learning environment where each mentor will be responsible for a group of 6-10 participants.

As a CBS mentor you get to:

  • Share knowledge and experiences you have gained in your career so far.
  • Inspire and engage with students in a group-oriented learning environment.
  • Guide and provide value to the future generation within your field of expertise.
  • Challenge the students’ career-related mindset and perspectives.

If you know of any CBS alumni or associates that could be interested in giving back then please do not hesitate to contact or go to for more information about Career Academy, the mentor role and how to apply.

You can also find the application form here.

Please note that the last application date is 5 June 2017 but feel free to fill out the application form even if the deadline is overdue. CBS is continuously seeking collaboration with interested mentors for other career-related projects and programmes.

The page was last edited by: CBS Careers // 12/17/2017