Sustainability: CBS is new member of UN Global Compact

Copenhagen Business School has committed to support the corporate sustainability initiative, UN Global Compact. The support is also being recognised Thursday 24 May when the Executive Director of the UN initative Lise Kingo will receive the Distinguished Alumni Award during the annual CBS Alumni Day.

The UN Global Compact is a UN initiative encouraging businesses worldwide to adopt sustainable and socially responsible policies and practices. Becoming a member of the UN Global Compact commits CBS to actively align values, policies and practices with the Global Compact’s 10 Principles including human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. 
“We will actively be integrating the UN Global Compact and its principles in our curriculum development, teaching and research as well as day-to-day management of CBS. The implementation of those principles is closely linked to the implementation of CBS’ Business-in-Society Strategy and related to several existing initiatives and commitments focused on transformative action towards the integration of responsible management education”, says Per Holten-Andersen, President, CBS. 
Preparing future leaders
CBS is not the only university to support the initative. The Technical University of Denmark (DTU) has recently also become a member. 
The initiative to join the Global Compact was brought about by the newly established Danish Global Compact Network who has a shared interest in aligning university education with the needs of today’s business and industry.  
Dana Minbaeva, Vice-President of International Affairs at CBS, appreciates the membership:
“Signing up to the Global Compact is a natural extension of our already existing commitments within the areas of sustainability and responsible management education. As the leading-edge business university, it is our core responsibility to equip future leaders with the knowledge, skills and capabilities needed to tackle grand challenges of global community”.
Annual reporting for UN Global Compact
CBS has been a member of the UN PRME (Principles for Responsible Management Education) since 2008 and reports bi-annually on CBS’ progress on sustainability and the integration of responsible management education. Reporting to the UN Global Compact will be integrated in CBS’ already existing reporting for UN PRME. 
In the coming period, various CBS stakeholders will engage in the discussion of how the membership will affect research, education and dissemination activities at CBS. 
Sara Krüger Falk, Executive Director, Global Compact Denmark Network are looking forward to the collaboration:
“Universities play an important role in shaping future business leaders and educating them about responsible and sustainable management and leadership. CBS has long played a leading role when it comes to CSR and sustainability. I hope that we can collaborate to engage more businesses and students in creating the world we want”.
On 24 May, Lise Kingo, Executive Director for the United Nations Global Compact (Global), will guest CBS’ Annual Alumni Day and receive the Distinguished Alumni Award. 
All questions regarding the UN Global Compact membership is to be directed to Project Manager, CBS PRME Louise Thomsen,


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