
Forsikrings- og Erstatningsretlig Domssamling (FED)

Decisions of Ankenævnet for Forsikring (insurance board of appeal), Sø- og Handelsretten (the Maritime and Commercial Court), Østre and Vestre Landsret (the High Court of Western/Eastern Denmark), Voldsoffernævnet (the tribunal of victims of violent crime), and Højesteret (the Supreme Court).
Campus only


Complete collection of Danish digitized state white papers starting with no. 1 from 1951.
Free access


Rulings, orders, legislation, references, and comments pertaining to Danish labour law. Useful tool if you want to know what applies in labour law.
Campus + remote access


Current news about Danish politics. Includes newsletter feed option.
Campus + remote access

Karnov Jura

Current Danish legislation including detailed references to comments, rulings, historical data, and expositions of administrative practice.
Campus + remote access

Navne & Numre Erhverv

Company database containing information on all Danish VAT-registered companies, branches, and public bodies. Access to key indicators and annual accounts for the past 5 years, ownership and organizational information, subsidiaries, ratings, industries, and decision-makers.
Campus + remote access


The official Danish online legal portal covering legislation, orders, circulars, guides etc. from ministeries. Free online access.
Free access
