IWCI 2011 (IWCI 2011)
Compartive Informatics is an emerging area of research to systematically examine similarities and differences in the ICT lifecycle (design, development, deployment, adoption, use, impact, and evaluation) across different contexts such as cultures, languages, regions, nations, generations, socio-economic classes, genders, organizations, and technologies. The objective of Comparative Informatics is to develop increased understandings of the ways in which people apporporate ICTs, relate to, interact with, and form impression of each other via ICTs. The analytical focus is on creting increased understanding and heightened awareness of research in and practice of ICT both locally and globally.The scientific focus of the Comparative Informatics Workshop will be on the following core questions:- How can we understand mutual relations between information and communication technologies (ICT) and cultures, languages, regions, nations, generations, socio-economic classes, genders, organisations, and technologies?- To what extent is the appropriation of technologies context-sensitive, situation-specific and culturally-relative?- How do people interact with, relate to, and form impressions of each other across different ICT mediated contexts?- To what extent do people shape, alter, bend, adapt, adjust, align, configure, reconfigure, and reimagine technologies?
Public (National)
Forsknings- og Innovationsstyrelsen
Department of IT Management
Collaborative partners:
Dalian Maritime University, TU Kaiserslautern, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Aalborg University, University of Hawaii at Manoa, University of West London, University of Amsterdam, Roskilde University, University of California, Irvine, Reichman University
Start Date:
End Date: