Sustainability Platform Seminar: "Greening Supply Chains"
The CBS Sustainability Platform would like to invite you to join our next Sustainability Seminar with Valentina De Marchi and Eleonora Di Maria, University of Padova, on Thursday 28 February, 15:00-17:00.
The focus of their research is the relationships between internationalization and firms’ greening activities, considering both for upstream and downstream internationalization. While the existence of a positive link between internationalization and the diffusion of environmental compliant behaviors and the development of environmental innovation is pretty established within the developing countries setting, on the contrary evidence on the developed country context is rather scarce and mixed. Based on original data on Italian firms specializing in traditional industries, we investigate the relationship between the geography of firms activities – as far as their presence in international markets, development of FDIs and engagement in relationships with global suppliers – and their environmental practices, considering both multinational and small firms. Furthermore, we investigate how firm’s innovativeness and marketing strategies is related to firm’s environmental orientation. Preliminary evidence suggest that, when it comes to green firms activities and their supply chains, geography matters.
Valentina De Marchi is senior Post Doc at the University of Padova, Italy, Department of Economics and Management, Padova (Italy). She concluded her Ph.D. in 2011 at the University of Padova, with a thesis focusing on the management of environmental innovations’ development and how firms can ensure the greening along their supply chain.
Eleonora Di Maria is Associate Professor in Business Management, University of Padova, Department of Economics and Management, Padova (Italy). Her research focuses on internationalization, innovation and sustainability strategies of firms and local economic systems, as well as on evolutionary trends of knowledge-intensive business services. Her research has been published in international books and journals such as Research Policy, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Business Strategy & the Environment, Journal of Knowledge Management, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, European Planning Studies, Industry & Innovation.
Please register at Students are welcome.
We look forward to seeing you!