Ghosts, monsters, zombies and werewolves in management and public governance...
Ghosts, monsters, zombies and werewolves in management and public governance
This seminar explores the possibility that ghosts and other otherworldly creatures are an inherent part of everyday organizational and political life. The seminar brings together scholarly ghost hunters, zombie slayers and other good people to discuss the following (and more):
- How metaphors of the supernatural find their way into explanations of market behaviour, financial crises, pathologies of modern day or security policy.
- How ghosts of undecidability trouble organisations
- The imaginary zones organizations have for what they exclude
- The intriguing ways in which organisations remain haunted by the pasts that become unwanted en route to more modern and efficient versions of themselves.
14.30-14.35: Welcome with cluster facilitator Niels Åkerstrøm Andersen (MPP)
14.35-14.50: Presentation by Justine Grønbæk Pors (MPP)
14.50-15-05: Presentation by Anna Leander (MPP)
15.05-15.20: Presentation by Rasmus Johnsen (MPP)
15.20-15.35: Presentation by Sine Nørholm Just (DBP)
15.35-16.00: Discussion
All cluster members are welcome, and we hope that you will support this initiative and come join us for exciting presentations and discussions. If you are not already a member of the Shifting Forms of Public Governance cluster, you are welcome to join the cluster and participate in the seminar series.
Please sign up via
The full description of the seminar series with themes and dates can be found here.