International law journals dealing with arbitration, tax law, energy and environmental law, commercial law, corporate law, European law, and competition law.
European Union treaties and legal documents, including references to relevant documents, rulings, and literature.
NB! Remote access via Karnov Online for CBS Students - follow the link to
Decisions of Ankenævnet for Forsikring (insurance board of appeal), Sø- og Handelsretten (the Maritime and Commercial Court), Østre and Vestre Landsret (the High Court of Western/Eastern Denmark), Voldsoffernævnet (the tribunal of victims of violent crime), and Højesteret (the Supreme Court).
Karnov: Skat og Regnskab is part of Karnov Group and is designed for professionals working with taxation, VAT, auditing, and accounting (NB! Only in Danish and Remote access for CBS Students - follow the link til )
Online edition of the book ”Offentlige indkøb i praksis” (Public Procurement in Practice) by Jesper Fabricius. Besides that access to European Union directives, Danish laws etc. on EU rules for the award of contracts. Contents are updated regularly.
Covering all countries across the globe, Orbis Intellectual Property (ORBIS IP) currently tracks approximately 110 million patent documents. ORBIS IP links the global patent data to companies and corporate groups.
Personaleadministrativ Vejledning (HR guidelines) contains all relevant information on wage and working conditions for state employees across employment status.