Concert and Dialogue
Concert with Susanne Elmark and Musica da Camera and dialogue about art, artistic communication and the nurture of talents
CopenhagenBusinessSchool and FrederiksbergFonden take great pleasure in inviting you to a challenging experience where art, artistic communication in organisations and the nurture of talents are on the agenda. Our guests are internationally renowned artists, the presence of whom will guarantee an unconventional and exclusive afternoon.
Welcome by President Finn Junge-Jensen
Artistic communication in business and the Russian way of nurturing talents
Personal views of Professor Pavel Eliashevich presented in dialogue with PhD Suzanne Dee Pedersen on music’s left-over space for communication and creativity in businesses and societies that are increasingly exploiting aesthetic means of self presentation. The dialogue will also touch on the Russian way of bringing up and nurturing young talents, that has shown so many outstanding results over the years.
Concert with Susanne Elmark and Musica da Camera
A half hour concert with Danish, French and Russian music followed by questions from the audience.
Please register to Jeanette Hansen, Tel.: 3815 2031 or before 31 October.