Evolution of Markets and Institutions
A study of an Emerging Economy, India
The Center for Business & Development Studies (CBDS/CBS) and The Center for Strategic Management and Globalization (SMG/CBS) invite you to a seminar.
Speaker: Professor Murali Patibandla
Professor Patibandla is Professor at the Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore. He has published extensively about the transition of the Indian economy in leading economics and management journals including World Development, Journal of Development Studies, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Indian Economic Journal, and International Journal of Management and Decision Making
In his seminar presentation professor Patibandla will summarize major conclusions of his recent and highly praised book,
Evolution of Markets and Institutions: A Study of an Emerging Economy, Routledge and Taylor and Francis, London, 2005. In his book Patibandla examines both recent successes and earlier failures of economic reform programs in India. He has a special emphasis on how the vitality of firms and markets are influenced by, and are interactive with, changes in economic policy.
All are welcome on a first come, first serve basis. For further information, please contact Bent Petersen,
bp.int@cbs.dk or Tina Varberg: