How Organizations can Recognize, Leverage, and Learn from Near Failures!

Most of the managerial literature on organizations is about success and failure. But what about near failures?

Wednesday, April 6, 2005 - 16:00 to 17:30

Most of the managerial literature on organizations is about success and failure. But what about near failures?

Organizations can actually learn a lot from the gray zone between success and failure, according to the research by Claus Rerup.

Rerup will discuss some of his finding and suggest how organizations might capitalize on learning from near failures.

His research has won several awards such as the Academy of Management Organization and Management Theory Division Best Paper Award (2002), and is currently in the process of being published.


16:00 – 16:15

Welcome by:

Anne Mette Dissing-Immerkær, Director, CBS Executive

16:15 – 17:00

Claus Rerup, Richard Ivey School of Business

17:00 – 17:30

Questions & Answers

Discussant: Mogens Gyde, Communiqué as

17:30 –

Networking & Light Refreshments

Please feel free to invite a colleague or a guest

– though please note that registration is required for participating.


Please register here:

Online Registration

About Claus Rerup:

Claus Rerup received his PhD from the Aarhus School of Business, Denmark in 2001 and is currently conducting a study of the Estonia ferry disaster to understand how organizations learn (or don’t) from near failures.

Rerup says that organizations generally define any activities that meet or exceed goals as successes. Failures are those that fail to meet goals. Near failures are those that fall just short of failure - such as when an adverse event (e.g. fire onboard a ferry) is averted at the last second. Rerup is interested in this “gray zone” between success and failure, and how organizations learn from activities that fall within it. Since 1998, Rerup has conducted studies in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland and England.

His research spans the North European ferry industry, Novo Nordisk, and Learning Lab Denmark. Rerup’s studies show that organizations and their members often ignore near failures and thus ‘throw away’ valuable opportunities for learning.

At a CBS Executive Event in 2004, Claus Rerup gave a very interesting lecture on Novo Nordisk, and therefore we are very pleased to welcome him again.

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 04/25/2005