Knowledge Sharing within Organizations

De private og offentlige virksomheder, der har deltaget i MANDI-undersøgelsen i Danmark, vil på workshoppen fortælle om deres resultater.

Friday, November 4, 2005 - 13:00 to 18:00

Knowledge sharing takes place in a certain cultural context. Thus, it is neither easy nor is it guaranteed. Some employees hesitate to give up their hard won knowledge, others may not be interested in knowledge sharing since the time and resources spent on it could be invested in what may appear to be more productive activities for the individual. Due to the uncertainty regarding how others will perceive and interpret shared knowledge, some organizational units may be highly cautious about revealing the relevant knowledge. Finally, management provides expensive bonus schemes but employees may not necessarily associate such extrinsic rewards with their knowledge sharing activities.

To evaluate the above mentioned and other barriers for knowledge sharing within organizations, the MANDI (
Managing the Dynamic Interfaces between Culture and Knowledge) project team created a unique empirical tool, a survey questionnaire on knowledge sharing. Currently the survey is being conducted in Denmark, Bulgaria, China, Turkey and Russia.

The business companies and public organizations participated in the MANDI survey in Denmark would like to share the results of the survey and present their ideas about how to deal with the identified barriers for knowledge sharing.

The language of the workshop is Danish. Download the program here:

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 07/18/2008