Networks and Institutions – Five guest lectures
Institutional Dynamics and Organizational Form: Mutual, Cooperative and State Enterprise in the ‘Liberal’ American Economy
Guest lecture by Associate Professor Marc Schneiberg
Marc Schneiberg (Ph.D. sociology, University of Wisconsin) teaches sociology at Reed College in Portland, Oregon. Marc Schneiberg’s research interests include: economic sociology, organizations, comparative institutional analysis, and he has done work on associations, regulation and alternative organizational forms in the American economy.
Marc Schneiberg’s work has appeared in
Politics and Society,
American Journal of Sociology,
Sociological Perspectives,
Sociological Forum, and
Research in the Sociology of Organizations. He is currently conducting an NSF funded study of private, public and cooperative enterprise, focusing mainly on mutuals, cooperatives and municipal companies in the insurance, dairy, grain and electrical utility industries.
Further information: Professor
Susse Georg, IOA.
The lecture is offered as part of the international Ph.D. course on ‘Institutions and Networks’ developed by colleagues at Stanford University and the Scandinavian Research Consortium on Organizational Research (