Popularizing the Americas

Thursday, September 22, 2005 - 00:00 to Friday, September 23, 2005 - 00:00

Popularizing the Americas: Media, Music and Movies.

A conference based on a transnational and interdisciplinary approach to the study of the Americas with a particular focus on popular culture. Lectures by a range of international scholars were organized around the theme of cultural exchanges and encounters in the three major areas: music, media and movies. Speakers included George Sanchez (University of Southern California), Fernando Andacht (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul), Ray Haberski (Marian College, Indianapolis) and Dale Carter (University of Aarhus). In addition to these lectures the conference included a performance of Latin American music by the Chilean guitarist Juan Antonio Sanchez.

In connection with the conference, the Center hosted a PhD seminar with participants from the Universities of Winchester and Southern Denmark as well as Copenhagen Business School.

A list of all the speakers, with abstracts of their papers, is given below:

Fernando Andacht (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)
The Lure of the Real in contemporary Brazilian Television: on the Representation of Reality as a collective, indexical working through Process.

Jens Andermann (BirkbeckCollege, University of London)
From Testimony to Enigma: the Films of Lisandro Alonso.

Dale Carter (University of Aarhus)
Songs of the Forgotten South: Van Dyke Parks and the Circum-Caribbean.

Ray Haberski (MarianCollege, Indianapolis)
It’s Only a Movie: The paradox of Movie Power.

Clara Juncker (University of Southern Denmark)
Blonde?: Ethnic Marilyn.

Birgitte Madelung (CopenhagenBusinessSchool)
Popularizing the Nation: Cinematic Images and the National Mall.

Nicholas Maher (University of Oglethorpe, Atlanta)
A Generation Lost and Found: constructing a new national identity in the Americas after WWI.

Carl Pedersen (University of Copenhagen)
Failed State?: Haiti in the American Mind.

George Sanchez (University of Southern California)
Emerging Music of a Multiracial America.

Christen Kold Thomsen (University of Southern Denmark)
Minstrelsy and Signifying as explanatory Models for Black American Popular Music: the Case of Rythm 'n' Blues.

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 05/26/2008