Seminar with Dr. Khalid Nadvi
The Centre for Business and Development Studies, Copenhagen Business School invites you to the following seminar:
Assessing the Impact of Business on Poverty
Industrial Clusters, Corporate Responsibility, and Poverty Reduction - What Are the Linkages?
The workshop will present a variety of perspectives on the broad relationships between industrial cluster research, corporate responsibility, and poverty reduction. Until recently, the development of industrial clusters - geographic concentrations of firms working within the same industry - in the South was primarily seen as an economic issue that was related to the upgrading of developing country firms and boosting their export performance. While this is still a central issue on the international business and development agenda, recent work carried out under the auspices of the United Nations Industrial Organization (UNIDO) has highlighted the need to incorporate poverty and corporate responsibility considerations into industrial cluster research. Key issues are whether pressures from global value chains are supporting or hindering economic, social, and environmental upgrading in developing country clusters? How does cluster development affect women workers and communities living in the vicinity of production sites? How do we assess the impact of cluster development on poverty?
The seminar will try to assess what we know, what we don’t, and what we need to know about the relationship between cluster development, CSR, and poverty reduction while clarifying lessons learned in relation to policy-making within this field. The workshop will be of interest to academics, consultants, company representatives, aid managers, NGO workers, students and other stakeholders who are concerned with business and development.
Dr. Khalid Nadvi, Institute for Development Policy & Management, University of Manchester
PhD Peter Lund-Thomsen, Centre for Business & Development Studies, Copenhagen Business School
On a first come, first serve basis. Please register with Tina Varberg: