Seminar with lektor Carsten Greve
International Center for Business and Politics (CBS) is hosting a couple of seminars this fall titled Public-Private management and Governance in an International Perspective
3 November
Public-Private partnerships in an International Perspective by Carsten Greve, Associate Professor, International Center for Business and Politics, CBS
Discussant: Kontorchef Peter Kjærsgaard Pedersen, Finansministeriet (14. kontor: Regelforenkling, frit valg, udbud og udlicitering – sekretariatsbetjening for Udliciteringsrådet)
Back ground texts: Greve, C. & Hodge, G. Eds.
The Challenge of Public-Private Partnerships. Learning from International Experience (under udgivelse Edvard Elgar 2005)
Contact person: Carsten Greve (tel 3815 3598) - Registration is necessary. Send an e-mail to Carsten Greve