
Michael Møller elected to the Board at the Danish Central Bank


Michael Møller elected to the Board at the Danish Central Bank.

The Board at the Danish Central Bank has seven members. Two of them are permanent representative members, selected by the Minister for Economic and Business Affairs. At the committee election of the other five board members it is custom that the governing parties and the opposition each get one representative. The Board usually holds ten meetings a year.

The Board has both organizational and administrative jobs and approves the Annual Report from the Danish Central Bank.

From April 1, 2007 the Board consists of the following members:

Chairman: CFO Søren Bjerre-Nielsen

Vice-Chairman: Permanent Secretary Michael Dithmer

Elected by Committee:

CFO Søren Bjerre-Nielsen

Professor Michael Møller

MP Kirsten Nissen

MP Troels Lund Poulsen

MP Helle Thorning-Schmidt

Selected by Minister for Economic and Business Affairs

Permanent Secretary Michael Dithmer

Permanent Secretary Michael Lunn

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 03/28/2007