Best practise within the educational area
CBS emphasized for quality enhancement at international workshop
The Center of Accreditation and Quality Assurance of the Swiss Universities (OAQ)has recently hosted the international workshop: ”Internal quality assurance at higher education institutions. Requirements and good practices”.
CBS was invited as an example of best practise within quality enhancement of study programmes in Europe. Associate Professor and senior consultant from CBS Learning Lab, Claus Nygaard, told about CBS' work with quality assurance and quality enhancement as a bottom-up process where as many as possible are closely related to the development process. "I especially emphasized those areas that CBS was honoured for when we in May 2005 was elected for having the best quality assuring methods among Nordic universities," he explains.
Several activities at CBS were especially well received
the development and current implementation of the CBS learning strategy
the programme for Assistant Professors in teaching and pedagogical competences
The Teaching and Learning Committee's survey