Career Fair: Networking before job hunting

Strengthen your network and know your opportunities. This is the message to the students


Strengthen your network and know more about your opportunities

On Wednesday 8 February, 30 Danish and international companies are coming to CBS to meet the students at this year's first career fair at CBS.

The career begins in school

- In times of turbulent job markets it is very important that the students focus on targeting their careers. The sooner, the better, says Bella Lea Buono, Career Counsellor, and stresses that the fair is not just for students who are about to graduate. 

- It is never too soon to expand your network and think about choosing the right electives, relevant exchange stays or internships, not to mention topics for the bachelor project, the master's thesis or other projects, she says.

Denmark or abroad?

Companies with international activities has shown a particular interest in meeting their future employees and strengthen their contact to the students. 

- The company may not have an opening in their Danish office, but that doesn't mean that you can't work in their foreign offices, Bella Lea Buono says.

A peek inside the company

The wish for a job should not be the only motivation for joining a career fair, because the students will also have the opportunity to take a peek inside the company. What is the company culture like? Which companies hire students with my educational background and what do they work with? What are my career opportunities in the future? How do they recruit? These questions and many more can be answered by one of the representatives of the companies.

Who is participating?

The participating companies cover a multitude of industries, from accounting companies and beauty products companies to medical companies.

CBS Career Fair takes place on Wednesday 8 February 2012. 

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 02/10/2012