Case company revealed

What are the challenges for Shell’s corporate social responsibility?


What are the challenges for Shell’s corporate social responsibility? The oil extracting company is revealed as case company in the WELLcontest 06, where 28 students from Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden are competing to solve an ethical problem in a CSR perspective.

Shell is one of the world’s largest conglomerates and through the years, the company has been the NGOs’ favourite scapegoat. The commotion relating to the oil platform Brent Spar and the accusations against Shell concerning oil extraction in the Niger Delta, have made the company realize that corporate social responsibility is a vital part of business and Shell’s reputation around the world.

Shell sees the cooperation with WELL as an opportunity for the company to add new input to the work with CSR and as an opportunity to strengthen the tie between students and business. WELLcontest is a unique possibility for students to test and develop competencies and to prepare them to meet the demands from companies in the future.

The case competitors have 48 hours to solve the case, which is developed by WELL, Shell and Kai Hockerts, associate professor, CBS.

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 04/24/2006