CBS and DR initiate unusual collaboration

- Close collaboration between research and communication


- Close collaboration between research and communication.

May 1st, 2007 commences an unusual collaboration between CBS and DR. From this date a team of seven experts from Institute for National Economics will be providing analyses of actual national and global economics on DR’s radio program Orientering on P1. The experts will deliver three programs a week and the collaboration is the first of it kind in Denmark.

A unique possibility for communication for CBS

“This initiative gives us a unique way of conveying our knowledge in an exciting new way. The experts from the institute will be making short commentaries on actual issues but P1 Orientering has a serious quality, which makes it possible to dig deeper. This is a perfect medium for reality oriented, actual analyses which the Institute for National Economics is known for”, says Professor Peter Møllgaard from Institute for National Economics.

Covering economics at a high level

“With this deal we want to create a closer collaboration with the research and education environment, and in the future we will cover economical subjects in Orientering of a very high quality. At the same time we want to ensure that expert knowledge at such educational institutions reaches all of Denmark”, the head of the radio programs in DR News, Jens Grund says.

Originally the idea was to hire a professor of economics, who would not be teaching at the same time, so that he or she could work for Orientering for a while, but in order to ensure enough broad information CBS offered to let an entire team of assistant professors and professors take turns delivering material for Orientering.

Experts working as journalists

The collaboration is being tested for six months after which both parties will evaluate it.

“Both parties are doing something new with this deal and the next six months will give us enough experience to evaluate whether to make this a permanent solution. We pay for it and expect to get something for our money. Professors have to learn to think as journalists – when something is a good story – they should, like journalists, work as objectively as possible. They also should convey their message so the listeners do not fall asleep but get awakened,” says Jens Grund.

The seven experts are Morten Bennedsen, assistant professor Birthe Larsen, professor Peter Møllgaard, professor Pascalis Raimondos-Møller, professor Søren Bo Nielsen, professor Jan Rose Skaksen and professor Anders Sørensen.

They will participate in a crash course in the basic journalistic principles and good radio language.

For further information, please contact


Head of Institute and professor Peter Møllgaard, 21622015

Pressechef Birgitte Oppermann, 2751 7034


Chefen for radiomagasinerne i DR Nyheder, Jens Grund, 2854 8637

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 04/16/2007